1991 - 2005 Mayor, Dumont, NJ
1989 - 1991 Council Member, Dumont, NJ
Inducted into the New Jersey Mayors
“Hall of Fame”
Well versed in all areas of Local and County Government Administration and Operation: fiscal budgeting, fund investments, revenue enhancements, labor negotiations, public relations, future planning and projection, project coordination, risk management, grant applications, problem resolution, and operational oversight.
¨ Chairman of the County of Bergen Executive Cost Containment Committee and Review Team
¨ Chairman of the County of Bergen County Regional Community Development Committee
¨ Vice-Chairman of the County-wide Bergen County Community Development Committee
¨ Vice-Chairman of Bergen County Housing Authority Board of Directors
¨ Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Bergen Municipal Joint Insurance Fund
¨ Treasurer of the Northern Valley Mayors Association
¨ Knights of Columbus, Past Grand Knight
¨ Boy Scouts of America - Eagle Scout Award and Order of the Arrow Recipient, National Eagle Scout Association
¨ Member of the Dumont Elks Organization
¨ Youth Sports Programs - Manager and Coach in boy’s baseball and girls softball programs
¨ Member of various civic and charitable organizations